Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Be a Blessing

Generous people are the best...don't you think?
Especially the unexpected, out of the blue type of generosity that flows from strangers.

It's often the little things that I tend to value a lot. The little things that can go unnoticed, but I so greatly appreciate them. They make me feel blessed...and I'm humbled in the way that others notice the little things they can do for others, both people they don't even know and the people that they love dearly. They aren't big things done in a prideful arrogance that beg for the world to notice them... but they are simple, they are thoughtful, they are selfless things.

Like the lady at the store who has a million groceries in her cart and notices me with a handful of things behind her and insists on me going before her. Or the man who lets me take the parking spot instead of trying to fight me for it. Or the woman who rushes to help open the door for the stroller-pushing, exhausted mother. Or maybe picking up after your sibling, or asking for ways to help your mom with Thanksgiving prep, or spending time with your family when it means not spending as much time with your friends.

Little things.
I love when the little things become big things.... when they become day-changing things. In the good ways, of course. I love when someone else's generosity can remind me that there's still good in the world, there's still hope.

It makes me want to notice the little things. It makes me want to reach out in little ways to people when I see a need...or even when I just see something that could help make someone's day a little better.

Generosity breeds more generosity.
Pay it forward, right?
And when it doesn't work like that... well, I think we still need to be generous, despite how it may be received.

I've been wondering why we don't do it more often. Why I don't do it more often.
Aren't you so blessed when a stranger does something selfless for you... for no reason at all? Aren't you so blessed when someone you care about does something for you even when you both know that you don't deserve it? Isn't it astounding? Isn't it baffling? Isn't it humbling? I did no thing to deserve such an act, and yet I'm experiencing grace in real life. Why wouldn't we seek to extend this to every person we encounter every single day?

Lord, I pray that we would have eyes to see the little things... and I pray that we would be quick to respond. Jesus, teach us how to be selfless in our day-to-day interactions with strangers, teach us how to be bold with our words. Jesus, teach us how to be selfless in our day-to-day interactions with those we love, those we don't like...everyone. 

As we're in this season of thankfulness, I really hope we would be willing to consider the weight of what small acts of selflessness on our part might mean for someone we don't know (and those we do). Especially as we shop, as we tip, as we interact with cashiers, as we drive, as we walk into buildings, as we fly... as we live life, may our eyes be opened to the ways that we can simply be a blessing to those around us. Even as you interact with family or close friends... as you make Thanksgiving feasts, clean up after others and feel (perhaps) as though your efforts are overlooked and purposeless... I hope you keep giving.

Be a blessing through generosity.
Live in such a way that places others before you all the time.
Live a life of humility.
Watch as your generosity breeds more generosity...and persevere when it seems your generosity goes unnoticed or unappreciated.

Join me in praying that prayer above more frequently... because, as usual, this is nothing we can do of our own accord.

Father, I beg that we would be a people who bear fruit wherever we go and with whomever we interact matter the response we receive from them. And Lord... I pray that You would be glorified. 

Be a blessing today.

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