Would you consider doing something uncomfortable, nonsensical, risky?
Would you consider doing something that requires lots of sweat, little sleep, continually giving when you feel like you have nothing left to give?
Would you consider doing whatever it takes because you know, in the end, that the cause is worth it?
I jumped on board a giant ship (Glorieta Camps) that's accelerating at full speed and there's no chance of getting off. I'm not sure, even if I could, that I would. It's sometimes terrifying, but mostly exhilarating. Do we have what it takes to make it to the final destination? Do we have enough steam? Enough energy? Do we have the right resources? Enough manpower?
I don't normally do this in blog posts, but this time I must. As incredible of an opportunity that we are in the midst of, we're in over our heads. We need help. The task before us is enormous and we need people who are willing to get dirty. Who are willing to jump in as we start something that's even bigger than our dreams.
Would you consider it?
Being a part of something that has everything to do with the Gospel changing lives for eternity? Being part of a place that utilizes outdoor adventure, authentic relationships and Biblical truth to move people toward Jesus?
Would you consider dropping everything, sacrificing money and time and your comforts to step into a place of unknowns...but a place that you can undoubtedly know that the Lord is using you, working in you, changing lives through you?
It's rarely easy.
But it's worth it.
Every time.
Because God changes lives. He saves His people. He calls them back to Himself over and over again. He uses His creation, He uses experiences, He uses relationships, He uses Scripture to remind us of who He is. And He asks us to follow. To leave everything behind. To trust Him as we abandon the things we think we need and allow Him to supply us with our actual needs.
We need help.
We need people who are willing.
People who fervently love the Lord and who are longing to get dirty.
Would you consider joining us on this incredible journey?
Would you think about applying to join our 2014 Summer Staff...to be a part of a summer that will be undeniably legendary as we continue on with the history of Glorieta, but simultaneously start up new programs and build new activities?
We're making history.
We're inviting the Lord to do radical things in this place, expecting Him to move in mighty ways, for lives to be truly changed. And we want people who are on board, who are eager, who are ready, who are willing.
Pass it on.
We need workers.
Consider it.
A summer of true life-change.
A summer of God moving.
A summer of redemption, of hope, of love.
A summer you'll never forget.
A summer of getting dirty.
A summer that will, indeed, be Legendary.
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